47M : 4D

Group Exhibition

VT Artsalon

Taipei, Taiwan


As the extension of the project launched by VTArtsalon, Slash Generation: Searching for White Turtle Art Camp, its participants presented a four-day “change-breath sketch exhibition” from Oct 16th to 19th.

The exhibition gathered creators from all aspects of life and tried to establish bridges between the strangers and the environment to connect with other people’s experiences.

"47M" symbolizes the average 47 minutes of time that sea turtles can hold their breath, and “4D” indicates the four-day lengths of the exhibition. We compare the four-day gap period toward the next exhibition to the young creator’s "change of breath". It is like a sea turtle emerging from the water, changing a breath, diving down again and hiding into the ocean. The silence and presence between its every breath are enduring and carefree. Its search for food is similar to people pursuing the meaning of art. It is a time-consuming process in which they pay full attention to absorbing, collecting and internalizing. During every breath-holding, they resist the solitude in the storm of time second by second, and every change of breath will re-fill the confidence in life.

The exhibition displays the sketches of these young creators as the idea for the future exhibition, Road of Turtles and the Reef of Two Gods, which indicates the incomplete but concrete direction of the group.

Such imagination motivates us to move forward and let the sparks among us continue to burst. In the end, everything about creation will become the production or symbol of each creator’s meaning of life.

—Yu-Chin Lin Translator: Ming-Yi Sung

此展覽為VT非常廟藝文空間⟪斜槓青年 Slash Generation:尋找白色海龜之藝術營隊⟫之延伸 活動日期:2019年8月15日-2019年8月16日 
活動地點:台灣台北市瑞芳區鼻頭路99號 鼻頭國小


 當代知名國際藝術家─Pierre Huyghe (皮耶‧雨格)於2005年與一群藝術家及專業人士從阿根廷最南邊「Tierra del Fuego」的「Ushuaia」港口出發,前往南極,目的是去尋找一個神祕島嶼「Ociosidad」,與一隻奇特而難以掌握行蹤的動物—白化症的企鵝。旅程之後,Pierre Huyghe為大家帶來至今最著名作品之一 的《未知之旅A Journey that Wasn't》,同行的藝術家們也藉由這次的旅程陸續帶來各自精彩的作品。

活動呼應Pierre Huyghe (皮耶‧雨格)的藝術行動,邀請台灣的青年藝術工作者在北海岸進行一場兩天一夜,以白色海龜為名尋找藝術的營隊活動。在經歷整天的戶外漫遊後,參與者們在鼻頭國小的教室中打著通鋪,親暱地分享著彼此間對作品的見解。當互動的區域由都市轉換到自然的環境,原本不認識的夥伴透過近距離的交流、激發出不同以往的創作。

文/陳念庭   翻譯/ 宋明珆

This exhibition is inspired from event hosted by VT Artsalon in 2019: Searching for White Sea Turtle
Date: Aug 15-16, 2019
Session: 1 (2 days)
Location: Pitou Elementary School (No. 99, Bitou Rd., Ruifang Dist., New Taipei City 224, Taiwan)

Number of Team Leader: 2

Selected Participants: 11

In 2005, Pierre Huyghe, a contemporary international artist, led an expedition with a group of artists and experts to the Antarctic Circle from Ushuaia cruise port in Tierra del Fuego, the southernmost point of Argentina. Their goal was to find a mysterious island called Ociosidad and a unique animal that is hard to track down - albino penguin. After the expedition, Pierre Huyghe presented one of his best-known work, A Journey that Wasn’t. The other artists in the expedition also created brilliant works through the journey.

The event echoes Pierre Huyghe’s art action and invited young artists in Taiwan to a two-day camp on the north coast, planned to search for art in the name of a white sea turtle. After a long day of roaming hills, the participants lay on sleeping bags in a classroom of Pitou Elementary School and shared their insights on each other's artwork intimately. When the location of interaction is shifted from the city to a natural environment, the members who were initially strangers inspired each other through short-distance interaction to create new works that are different from the past.

​​​​​​作為VT非常廟藝文空間⟪斜槓青年 Slash Generation:尋找白色海龜之藝術營隊⟫之延伸 ,計劃參與者將在10/16-10/19,進行為期四天的「換氣式草圖展」。


「47M」——指的是海龜潛伏在大海中憋氣覓食的時間(47Minutes),「4D」——指本次展演的持續時間(4 Days)。在VT換檔之間隙,短短四天時間,我們將時間比喻成一次年輕創作者們的「換氣」:像是海龜一般,從水下潛伏到浮出換氣後,再次隱沒下潛、匿跡於大海之中。海龜在每次呼吸間的沈默與展露,既悠長且自在,其為覓食的探尋就像人們尋找藝術的意義一般;靠著曠日費時,非常之安定的認真,從吸收、聚集、潛伏到內化,在每次憋氣中一秒一秒地以自身的生存抵抗孤獨時間的風暴,而每次的換氣,都將再重新裝填一次對生活的信心。


文/林郁晉   翻譯/ 宋明珆

Making of the Collaborative Artwork: The Sea Turtle



Daily Captivity @Correction School 1921(矯正塾1921)